What should we do when we encounter scripture that makes us uncomfortable? Sometimes I’ve read scripture that leaves me squirming in my seat and unsure if I should continue reading or close the book for good. Maybe it’s when God sends a flood to destroy all of humanity except for one family, maybe it’s the violence we are confronted with in the Old Testament, or maybe it’s the verses that Paul writes about slavery and women.
When this uncomfortable confrontation happens, and I believe it will happen for anyone who reads scripture, we are faced with a choice. Do we close the book for good? Do we pretend we didn’t read that part or pretend those verses are not in the Bible?
We can choose to walk towards God or away from God in our confusion. It seems that walking away would be an easier route. It certainly takes less work and it requires less trust.
Or, do we take the road less traveled? Do we choose to move towards God, even in our confusion?
Personally, I have found God and scripture to be more than capable and strong enough to withstand my questions, doubts, and feelings of confusion. I have also found that when we begin to understand that God is big enough for our questions, something else begins to happen. The uncomfortable scriptures morph from a haunting of unknowns to a mysterious adventure waiting to unfold with God at our side.
This week we will be reading 1 Corinthians 14:26-40, which are famous verses for this exact reason. Read them and you’ll know why immediately. We invite you to step towards the uncomfortable scriptures and join us this Sunday at 10:00AM as we study God’s word together.
Click here for a pdf of the teaching slideshow.